Using Discis VIS CD-ROM Titles on Sensation INSTALLATION 1. Insert the CD-ROM labelled "System Disc" in the CD-ROM drive of the Sensation. 2. Exit Windows and return to the DOS prompt. 3. Type D: CD\VIS VINSTALL 4. The first screen is the General Configuration screen which will note what DOS, CD-ROM extensions, and Video the install has found. With the mouse, click on NEXT. 5. The second screen is the Memory Configuration screen. This screen will report the amount of DOS and XMS memory found. With the mouse, click on NEXT. 6. The next screen is the Discis Environment Variable screen. There are two items to note on this screen. a) The first prompt is the "Use drive" prompt for which drive the Discis program will use to store program information. Be sure this is set at drive C. b) The next prompt is labeled "Click on this button to select which audio card you want Discis Books to use:". The default is "Sound Blaster." Click on this box to change it to "VIS MultiMedia BIOS." Then click on the SET button in the lower left corner of the screen. 7. The Custom Settings Configuration screen will be displayed next. Click on the CREATE button to create the Discis directory. Then click NEXT. 8. The next screen is the Windows Installation screen. This screen will note that the VIS BIOS option cannot currently be used with Windows and this option will install the software on the hard drive without configuring for Windows. Click on the INSTALL button. 9. The Audio Configuration screen is displayed next. At this screen you may click TEST to confirm that the sound is working properly. Click NEXT to go to the next screen. 10. The last screen is For Your Information ... Keyboard Commands. This is the keyboard keys which can be used when 'reading' a Discis book. Click EXIT. 11. Reset your computer. RUNNING THE PROGRAMS 1. Start your computer and return to the DOS prompt. 2. Insert your Discis VIS program CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive. 3. At the C: prompt, type the following to start the program: CD\DISCIS VDISCIS 4. Use your mouse to select options on the screen.